The Versatile Blogger Award – My Thanks and Nominees

The Versatile Blogger Award

The Versatile Blogger Award

My oh my. Today, as I was perusing WordPress Reader checking on the latest posts of my favorite bloggers here, I came upon a wonderful surprise. It seems that now is the time to make nominations for The Most Versatile Blog award. Seeing that 2013 is my first year on WordPress, I was very excited and surprised to see that Atomic Flash Deluxe has been nominated by a gal whose blog I enjoy very much.

I give much appreciation and thanks to myavonvintage for this unexpected and wonderful compliment. I’ve learned much from the myavonvintage blog – and have had a few chuckles just when I needed them.

For this award there are 3 rules:

1) Thank the person who gave you this award (and include a link to their blog.)

2) Nominate 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award (and link to them.)

3) Share 7 things about themselves that people may not know.


Okay – Seven Things People May Not Know:

1) I wrote, illustrated, and bound my first book when I was seven years old. It was called, The Enchanted Forest. I wanted to create a publishing company that would specialize in children’s books, written by children, for children. The idea never materialized. *meh*

2) At twelve, I was the first girl in my state to join a Little League baseball team. The league refused to let me play *meh*, but my efforts helped to begin the conversation and ultimately open the door for future female players.

3) At sixteen, I was awarded the honor of Drummer of The Year for my local music scene – and no one ever said, ‘she’s good for a girl.’ That made me happy.

4) I’m trained to warrant black-belt in the martial art of Tae Kwon Do.

5) I have a BA and double majored in political science and mass communications. I did my post-grad work as a research analyst fellow in political science.

6) I’m a cat lover and have shared friendship with two cats in my life: Newton, who lived to be nineteen years old, and Astro, who is seventeen and still very much alive.

and finally, 7) I love Arab and East Indian food but don’t eat it as much as I would like.

And now for my nominations – in no particular order:

Tacky Raccoons

Evil Squirrel’s Nest

Cocktail Nation

The Accidental Optimist 






Estate Store


Big Apple Dayze

Subatomic Tourism

Scholck Wave

The Primitive Entertainment Workshop

Well there ya’ have it. I chose these blogs for the list because every post is new and I always look forward to the next. The bloggers who work these pages show real versatility with the subjects they’ve chose and make each post feel fresh.

Once again, thanks to myavonvintage for the nomination. And thanks to my visitors and regular readers who make it all worthwhile. You’re all swell!